Author Tools & Resources, Book Marketing & PR

Find Your Ideal Reader (A New FREE Resource)

I’ve been working on the marketing plan for The Write Life Magazine, and just like when I start any campaign, the very first step for me is to complete an ideal reader exercise.

Why? Because writing for one person – and one person only – means that all of your marketing efforts will be much more compelling and engaging. You’ll be connecting with them on a much deeper level and using the right words and phrases that they want to hear. Simply; they’ll “get you”.

When you can picture the recipient of your ideas, you’ll also have a much easier time communicating what you want to say in a way that speaks to them.

Ideal Reader Exercise
Meet Amy, my ideal reader!

Think of it like writing an email to a friend – the words and writing are much more natural, and your thoughts flow better because you know who is going to be reading it on the other end. The style and tone are appropriate and authentic.

The important thing with the ideal reader exercise is to go as deep as possible (even though you’re going to want to resist doing so; it’s not an easy process). The more you can step inside your reader’s head though, the better you can tell your story in a way that speaks to them.

Remember: even though your book might appeal to a variety of demographics, it’s important to hone in on your real target readers, and more specifically, one ideal reader.

Download your ideal reader exercise here: /wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Your-Ideal-Reader-Exercise.pdf

This exercise is taken from my class: Craft Your Book Marketing Plan with 21 Fun and Effective Ways to Promote Your Book – there’s still time to sign up!